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Make Calbe Laugh
Make Calbe Laugh

Make Calbe Laugh

526KAbonnenten auf YouTube
899.1MViews auf YouTube


Hi, I'm Kit, husband and I create videos for my son to learn and laugh. We focus on toys which are appropiate for his age as he grow. Things that...


Hi, I'm Kit, husband and I create videos for my son to learn and laugh. We focus on toys which are appropiate for his age as he grow. Things that drive his learning interest. We believe kids would enjoy learning when they think it’s fun. So our channel is not only for him, but also for every kid. We'll upload video on every Fri. Often my kid needs my full day attention ( happened), then we would post in every other week

私、Kitと私の主人で、息子が学んだり楽しめるような動画を創っています。息子の成長や年齢に合ったおもちゃ、彼が興味のあるものをテーマにしています。子供は、楽しみなが学ぶ事か大切だと思っています。なので、MakeCalbeLaughは、息子だけの動画ではなく、どのお子様も楽しめる動画だと思います。 金曜日に動画更新を予定していますが、子育てで忙しい時は、二週間おきに更新しています


안녕하세요. 제 이름은 ‘킷’입니다. 남편과 저는 아들의 학습과 재미를 주기위해 동영상을 만들고 있습니다. 아들의 나이에 맞는 장남감을 사용해 학습에 흥미를 줍니다. 제 아들뿐만 아니라 모든 아이들을 위해서 매주 금요일에 새로운 동영상을 게시하려고 노력하지만 제 아들이 가끔 짜증을 부리고 놀아달라고 할땐 한주를 건너 뛸수도 있습니다


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