
These Energetic Booktubers Will End Your Reading Slump


Avid readers know that finding a new book can feel like dating. Options can be overwhelming and you might try a few before settling down. But when you can’t find new love, it’s time to ask a friend to set you up. Here are five booktubers that will help you find your next read and have
fun doing it.

Christine Riccio – PolandBananasBo

This New Jersey girl will catch you off-guard with her high energy and crude humor book reviews. She isn’t afraid of making fun of her favorite books or herself for loving them. Her highest ranked videos on Youtube include “Books that Scare the Crap Out of Me” and “The Noob’s Guide to Dystopian Reads.

While most of Christine’s favorites are young adult novels, her must-read books also include romance novels and a few thrillers. Her book recommendations might also be based on their shiny covers.


Hannah – A Clockwork Reader

If you’re looking for good books for teens, Hannah has you covered. Her shelves are filled with YA novels and she’s happy to show them off. She’s also quick to tell you what she doesn’t love about popular books from an ethical point of view. As an Iranian-American, Hannah is especially mindful of POC representation in books.

Hannah’s top videos include “Popular Books I Don’t Like,” which take critical stances against anti-feminist or ableist novels. Her book recommendations will entertain and keep you socially conscious.


Jesse – JesseTheReader

This self-proclaimed “book warrior” will catch you with his sassy persona. Jesse’s honest, relatable videos go well beyond book reviews. He shares his reading struggles to empathize with his followers, such as overcoming boredom, “mood reading,” and not finishing books.

Most of Jesse’s reads fall under fantasy and contemporary fiction. In review videos, he sweeps through a list of books he finished recently and gives a short impression and a rating for each. He also participates in fun challenges to engage other readers. You can watch him play the “First
Sentence Challenge” and a book version of “Would You Rather” on his channel.


Sasha – ABookUtopia

Sasha’s life is devoted to books. Because she is also an author, she posts videos on writing as well as reading. Her review videos feature lists of books for any situation, such as good travel reads, stories to help relax over the summer, or audiobooks for walking the dog. She even appeared as an extra in the movie for “Divergent,” one of her favorite books.

The mountain of books Sasha has read is especially impressive because she has dyslexia. She has posted about reading and writing with learning disabilities and overcoming her challenges. These videos are an inspiration to followers who worry their learning disabilities will hold back their reading goals.


Thug Notes – Wisecrack

If you’re interested in classic literature but don’t know where to start, Sparky Sweets, Ph.D. will guide you. Actor Greg Edwards started the series “Thug Notes” on the Wisecrack channel to make literature more accessible to the average reader.

Greg’s “original gangster” character summarizes and analyzes books with comedic flair. Most videos feature classic novels such as “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Don Quixote” but he also covers modern popular novels.


Who do you turn to online to get your next book recommendation? If we left out your favorite booktubers, let us know in the comments. We want to hear about them!

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