
What YouTubers Don’t Tell You

Many YouTubers are part of YouTuber Networks/MCN’s

YouTubers who are starting to get a larger following on YouTube often decide to partner with an MCN or a network. These networks are third party service providers. They offer YouTubers services such as audience engagement, content programming, digital rights, management, monetization, and merchandise development. These companies usually take 10 to 25% of all YouTube revenue in return for the services provided. Most successful YouTubers are either partnered with a network or are under a management by a different third-party company.


One of the most popular YouTube MCN’s for larger creators is  ‘Machinima.’ This network has over 30,000 content creators. They peak at over 150 million viewers each month. Many of the YouTubers who are members of the network are gamers such as JeromeASF, Batinthesun, QJB, DashieGames, TheRadBrad, and more. There is something that sets Machinima networking apart from other competing MCN’. Which is, that there are no limitations on what sort of content the creator can put out.


Broadband TV

Another extremely popular network used by YouTubers all over the world is ‘Broadband Tv.’ Founded in 2005, Broadband has grown large numbers through its global community. Also, it has tens-of-thousands of creators that they continue to help grow each day. Each month, a combined 23+ million views accumulate throughout YouTube and music videos. This MCN is also the third largest video property in the world. They include popular YouTubers such as Tanner Fox, Davey Wavey, Major Lazer, and many more. Broadband Tv also helps their creators stay out of the way of copyright. They do this by providing a massive music library of over 25,000 rights free tracks to choose from. This prevents them from getting strikes or claims.

Fullscreen TV

Fullscreen TV is yet another third party MCN who Youtubers use. Something that sets Fullscreen apart from other top MCN’s is that they don’t only focus on one platform. The company helps people grow on almost any social media platform. This includes Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Snapchat, and more. Fullscreen media serves as a management team and makes decisions that are crucial to a career in entertainment. By doing so, new brand opportunities are available to YouTubers.  Some of the YouTubers partnered with Fullscreen include Ricegum, PopularMMO’s, SSniperwolf, Miles Mckenna, FaZe Clan, and many more.

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